How I Cleared Out Creepy Spiders In My Home Without Using Toxic Bug Spray

Published September 8, 2022
“Love this spray. Took care of spiders around our cabin.” - Pamela


“Spider Season” is Here… Here’s Why That’s a Problem

It’s that time of the year again: spiders looking for a mate are coming out of nowhere and invading homes,1,2. By the time you see one in your house, chances are they’re not alone.3

Spiders can live almost anywhere—behind furniture, underneath bed sheets, even in your clothes! They also spread easily: a single female can lay over a thousand eggs.4

A mere contact with a spider can cause allergies.5 And though they’re not always poisonous, spider bites are potentially dangerous. Kids and the elderly are most at risk, especially when they don’t know they’ve been bitten.6

But that’s not all. Many people suffer from stress when they see spiders.7 Some may never even feel comfortable inside their house again.

Those facing a spider problem often turn to chemical-based pest sprays. Problem is, these traditional “solutions” can come with problems of their own…

The Truth About Store-Bought Sprays and So-Called Spider “Solutions”

Store-bought bug sprays are the most common “fix,” but they can come with serious risks. They often contain harsh chemicals, which can be harmful for people and pets.8

There are so-called “natural” and DIY solutions out there, but they’re not proven to work and can be a complete waste of money.9

Not to mention, most sprays are chock-full of noxious fumes that can be risky for home use.10

Let’s face it: Spiders can be a nightmare to get rid of. The good news is, there’s now a reliable and affordable way to help defend your home from these annoying invaders…

Thank goodness for BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate

This Spider-Fighting Spray is Helping Americans Finally Get Control of Their Home

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate offers an easy, effective way to fight spiders without risky pesticides.

Unlike traditional options, BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate uses real, plant-derived essential oils11 to fight spiders. Thousands of Americans are already using this innovative formula to control their spider problem.

But fair warning… the word is spreading like wildfire about BugMD and most customers are buying in bundles.

I strongly suggest you order Pest Concentrate now before inventory runs low or supplies completely sell out.

How Does BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate Work?

BugMD pest control spray uses a duo of plant-based active ingredients to neutralize spiders on contact.12,13,14

First, Clove Oil, which many consider the first line of defense against a pest invasion. Clove Oil has been shown to work as an effective, plant-based insecticide.15,16 According to Karen Russ, a garden specialist at Clemson University, eugenol — the essential oil found in cloves — kills pests on contact.17

The second special ingredient is Cottonseed Oil, which has been used in agriculture for centuries to ward off all kinds of pests.18

Unlike chemical sprays, BugMD’s plant-powered solution makes it safe for use around children & pets when used as directed.

Best of all, it’s super easy to use. Simply spray directly onto areas where you’ve seen or suspect spiders. For best results, spray directly on spiders to kill them on contact.19

It’s Simple To Use + Starts Working Right Away

Just 3 easy steps to start winning your home back from spiders:

  1. Pour the contents of one full BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate bottle into a spray bottle with 27oz. of tap water. Shake to mix well.
  2. Spray the solution onto “problem areas”. We recommend saturating these areas for best results. Allow treated spaces to air-dry.
  3. If you happen to see a spider, spray the “unwelcome guest” directly until wet.

For best results, make sure to spray hard-to-reach areas where spiders tend to hide: under beds, in cabinets and other storage areas, attics, and crawl spaces. Spray around furniture, ceiling corners, and floorboards for good measure.

Can Pest Concentrate Really Help With Spiders?

Don’t take our word for it... look at these incredible reviews from verified BugMD customers:

“Safe for people and pets, just clears area of spiders, and limits problems with fleas. Daughter even used [it] on her cat directly, no problems. Enjoy the product a lot.”
— Mary L.*
“Awesome! Took care of a sugar ant, beetle, and spiders. [They’re] still under control. Haven't seen a sugar ant at all. Still catch a beetle but that's while walking in through the door.”
— Robert R.*
“The product worked so well that I had to have more immediately. I've killed roaches, ants, spiders, fleas & more.”
— Marcia K.*
*Results may vary.

How Does BugMD Compare To Store-Bought Sprays?

Works without DEET, Formaldehyde, and other harsh chemicals
Can have potentially harmful ingredients in the formula
Formulated to kill spiders on contact
May not neutralize spiders on contact
Convenient, waste-saving refills: Just add tap water and spray!
Repeat store trips and single-use waste from aerosol cans
When used as directed, it’s safe to use indoors — even around kids and pets
Potentially harmful to humans & animals
Mild scent, no aerosol
Can release unpleasant fumes
Versatile: works on multiple pests including roaches, fleas, ants, and more
Designed for only one pest type

If you’ve already tried using traditional pest solutions, and you were always left disappointed or the bugs always came back… BugMD’s Pest Concentrate offers an effective alternative.

For best results, we recommend spraying directly onto pests, around entrances to your home, and in any problem areas. Most customers report seeing fewer nasty bugs almost right away. Plus, you can order more at a significant discount so you’ll always have BugMD on hand.

For ultimate convenience, you can sign-up for a monthly subscription plan. Spiders, bed bugs, roaches, and other pest infestations can happen any time of the year, so it’s always good to have protection on hand.20

Bottom Line: If you’re tired of living with these disgusting invaders… and you want an easy, affordable, effective solution that works without harmful chemicals — then you should give BugMD a try!

Here’s How To Fight A Spider Problem Without Risky Sprays

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate is not available in stores and can only be found online.

Now that you’ve discovered how to fight spiders — without exposing yourself or your family to risky pesticides — follow these steps to get started:

1) Go to the official BugMD website to place your order.
‍ 2) Start defending your home from nasty creepy crawlies.

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate wants to nudge you off the fence by giving you up to 55% off your order. Check here to see if stock is still available >>>

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