Don’t Use Chemical Sprays Around Food, Kids, or Pets. Try This Simple “Bug-Clearing” Device Instead

  • September 14, 2022

“I couldn’t believe how fast and great this works!” — Kathryn H.

Pantry Moths Contaminate & Ruin Your Food Supply

Pantry moths are a problem because they get into your home from grocery items and spread all over the kitchen. Not only do they eat and breed in your food, they defecate in it... creating a bacteria-prone and unpleasant food environment.1

One pantry moth can lay 400 larvae in your food!2 And when they hatch, your “little bug problem” can turn into a giant infestation... fast!

Typically, pantry moths get into dry foods like cereals, grains, flour, and more.3 But an infestation can mean you have to throw everything out and buy new groceries.

The Awful Truth About Store-Bought Bug Sprays

While it’s possible to clear-out moths yourself, you’d have to spend hours inspecting food for larvae, throwing out contaminated boxes, and washing unopened containers. The whole process takes weeks and isn’t guaranteed to work.

You can also try bug sprays, if you’re willing to take the following risk:

  • Sprays contain toxic chemicals and pesticides, which are risky to have around food and dangerous for family and pets.1

What if there was a way to keep your food safe from moth infestations without spraying toxic chemicals around your family or pets?

The good news is, there’s now an effective, reliable, and non-toxic way to get disgusting pantry moths out of your food and away from your family..

Thank goodness for BugMD Pantry Pest Traps…

Safe, Non-Toxic Pest Traps Can Effectively Knock-Out Pantry Moths

BugMD Pantry Pest Traps are a safe, quick, and effective way to purge filthy moths from your food supply.

It’s no longer necessary to spray toxic pesticides around your food, hire an expensive exterminator, or waste money buying new groceries because moths invaded your pantry!

Unlike traditional options, BugMD Pantry Pest Traps use pheromones to lure and trap the moths which destroy food.5 Thousands of Americans are already using these innovative devices to control their kitchen pest problems.

But fair warning… the word is spreading like wildfire about BugMD and most customers are buying in bundles.

I strongly suggest you order now before inventory runs low or supplies completely sell out.

How Do BugMD Pantry Pest Traps Work?

What most don’t know is that only one species of moth consumes the food we store in our pantry: Plodia Interpunctella, the so-called “Indian meal-moth.”6

BugMD uses an innovative pheromone which attracts these moths like a magnet into a tent-shaped trap.7 The inside lining of each trap is coated with premium “perma-glue,” designed to hold insects upon contact.

Once they touch the glue, there’s no escape. BugMD customers report rapid results clearing-up their moth infestations. The genius of this device is that it works without chemicals, pesticides, or anything else you don’t want near your food… or your family.

It’s Simple To Use + Starts Working Right Away

Each BugMD Pantry Pest Trap comes in an individually-sealed bag, to preserve the potency of the pheromones inside. Once you’re ready to set the traps, they’re incredibly easy to use...

  1. Open the sealed bag
  2. Peel-off the protective film, exposing the pheromone-laced glue strip
  3. Fold the trap, tucking the tab into place
  4. Place traps in pantries, cabinets, on the kitchen floor (anywhere you store food or pet food)

Check the traps 24-48 hours later for evidence of deceased pantry moths trapped in the glue forever. Once the Pantry Pest Traps are filled with bugs, simply toss them in the trash.

From there, as the males are caught and larvae begin to disappear, an infestation can start clearing-up in a matter of weeks.

Customers Are Raving About BugMD Pantry Pest Traps

Check out these astonishing reviews from verified BugMD customers:

"…these pantry flies are tough to control. They got into our bird food container and also a travel bag for dog treats. They slowly made their way to our bread cabinet and it was hard to stop them [one by] one. When they survived the winter, I had to do more. Their larvae can chew through plastic packaging and we saw some of them crawling on our ceiling in the kitchen. I used about 6 traps total and 2 more to finish them off. I’m happy to say it was an easy and effective way to tackle the problem."

— Stevie D.

"Ok, I didn't think they would work, but after tossing a lot of expensive baking ingredients out, I had to try. Well before I had placed the first one it had already caught 2 of the little pests! I've now put out 4 of them all over my pantry room, and hopefully will be free of moths soon. I will order more to be sure and pack all grain items in new airtight containers so hopefully it won't happen again."

— Quinn R.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! We have been fighting those horrible pantry moths for months. I threw who knows how much food out. They are disgusting. I got these and put them out and in a matter of minutes we had many many caught in the trap. I even bought another packet to use until we don't see any more. I highly recommend these for anyone dealing with those buggers!!!"

— Cynthia S.

How Does BugMD Compare To Commercial Bug Sprays?

BugMD Pantry Pest Traps

Supermarket Bug Sprays

Pheromones lure adult moths

Works only on contact with adult moths

Non-toxic and pesticide-free

Contains pesticides & toxic chemicals

Helps clear-up moth infestations

Temporary, moths typically come back

Safe around food, children, & pets when used as directed

Potentially harmful to humans & animals

No smell, no mess, hands-free device

Hands-on, messy, noxious fumes

If you’ve had an issue with pantry moths in your kitchen… and if you’ve already tried using pesticide-based moth solutions but were always left disappointed or disgusted by the chemicals — BugMD’s Pantry Pest Traps offer an effective alternative.

For best results, we recommend setting up traps in pantries, cabinets, and in any other problem areas. Most customers report catching moths right away, with even more results over the next week. Plus, you can order more at a significant discount so you’ll always have traps on hand.

For ultimate convenience, you can sign-up for a monthly subscription plan. Moths can invade homes at any time, so it’s best to stay prepared.

Bottom line: If you’re sick and tired of moths invading your home and contaminating your food, BugMD Pantry Pest Traps are easier and more affordable than exterminators and just as effective as bug sprays but without the risky chemicals.

Here’s How To Safely Fight Pantry Moths Today

BugMD Pantry Pest Traps are not available in stores and can only be found online.

Now that you’ve discovered how to evict pantry moths from your home — without exposing your family or food supply to toxic pesticides — follow these steps to get started:

  1. Go to the official BugMD website to place your order
  2. Enjoy the security and comfort of a moth-free kitchen once again

BugMD Pantry Pest Traps want to nudge you off the fence by giving you an Internet-Only discount on your order. Check here to see if stock is still available >>>

Check Current Availability »

1. Boyles M. How to Get Rid of Pantry Moths and Worms. Almanac. Published 2019.
2. Tvedten S. THE BEST CONTROL FOR STORED PRODUCT PESTS Or what’s that in my soup?. In: Tvedten S, ed. THE BEST CONTROL II. Michigan: Stephen Tvedten; 2007:1090-1093.
3. WU Q, THIERS B, PFISTER D. PREPARATION, PRESERVATION, AND USE OF FUNGAL SPECIMENS IN HERBARIA. Biodiversity of Fungi. 2004:23-36. doi:10.1016/b978-012509551-8/50005-23. Boyles M. How to Get Rid of Pantry Moths and Worms. Almanac. Published 2019.
4. Cooley A. Ultimate Guide to Bug Repellent for Kids. Parents. Published 2022.
5. DALIAN GOLDEN-CAT RODENTICIDE CO.,LTD. (2020). Efficacy Test Report: Pantry Pest Control (pp. 1-2). Changlingzi Village, Changcheng Subdistrict, Lvshunkou District, Dalian, China: DALIAN GOLDEN-CAT RODENTICIDE CO.,LTD.
6. Cranshaw W. Indian Meal Moth - 5.598. Colorado State University | Extension. Published 2017.
7. Ibid.